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How To: Not Overthink + Stress

Here are a couple tips from a professional stresser and overthinker (ME!) about how to destress and stop yourself from overthinking. I know its hard sometimes. And I know that you convince yourself that you don't care but on the inside you do ...

However, I hope you find any of these things helpful!


Some people won't understand how your mind works, why you believe things and what you do. They won't understand that you are worried all the time not because you're weak-minded, but because you care too much with burning passion. They won't understand why you are laughing so hard at stupid things, and they don't understand that their silence glances make you self-conscious and make you an extroverted introvert. And that their words convince you that you are not amazing. You may feel like you are not accepted, its just because you are a complex individual. But you have good intentions, that they don't know about. Communicate your intentions and your feelings, because some may not be able to see the best in you if you don't.


You will meet good and bad people in your life. Its not optional. Many will not see the best in you, get rid of these people. There's always people that will, they will see your big heart as a great quality and not a weakness. They will appreciate your quirkiness, they will accept you for who you are. So get rid of all the "friends" that don't like YOU for who YOU are.

3. BREATHE ...

Here are a couple exercises for when you feel like you're stressing/overthinking too much:

- Just inhale, close your eyes, count to five, then exhale. Do this as many times as it takes for you to calm down.

- Dance. You can dance any genre you enjoy, on any music. I personally prefer contemporary dance when I am stressing or overthinking.

- Stretch on bed while doing the breathing exercise above. I personally find this very relaxing.


I tend to overthink when I am bored and have nothing to do. There is an insane number of things that you can do to spend time and not get bored. Go check out my previous post for 20 things that you can do in summer. I started this blog to stop my self from getting bored and to decrease the time in which I can overthink/stress! I thrive inspiring creativity in people who have lost hope and determination (even though I can be one of these people as well). I try to build up people that other have broken down. This is what I do to fill ups my time, so think of something you can do!

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